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We're proudly leading the way for circular beauty.

Second Skin is an online consignment store for resale-friendly beauty products.

“I started Second Skin to give resale-friendly beauty products a second chance.”

After badly reacting to a skincare product I'd researched and read lots of glowing reviews about, I found myself out of pocket with a near-new product I had no use for and didn't know what to do with.

It sat on my bathroom shelf for weeks before I realised that this perfectly good-but-not-for-me product, with all the raving reviews, would be someone else's holy grail. And I likely wasn't the only one to experience this with the vast number of beauty products sold.

So, I started dreaming up a way to safely pass other products like mine onto someone who would love them, and consignment beauty was my answer.

After a lot of research, coffee and establishing robust product criteria, Second Skin was born—an easy and trustworthy platform for selling and shopping for resale-friendly beauty products.

Founder of Second Skin

How it works

Our Sellers submit products they'd like to sell with us through our online selling form.

We carry out an in-person assessment of each product to verify it meets our criteria.

Accepted products are photographed and listed for sale with us for a total of 10 weeks or until sold.

When a product sells, we handle the shipping to the customer, and the Seller earns a commission from the sale price.

We've built a pretty cool platform. But it's you that powers it.

We call it people-powered circular beauty.

When we launched in September 2020, we started with just 21 products. Now, thanks to you, over 41,000 beauty products have found a second life through our platform!

It's your support that lets us do what we love—and we're only just beginning.

People-powered. We wouldn't exist without our Sellers and customers.

Locally-owned and operated. Find us sipping coffee in Auckland, New Zealand.

The first of our kind. We're the first and only beauty consignment business in New Zealand.